
Recycled Plastic Bottles As Art

There are a thousand and more reasons to rid ourselves of plastic – our health, the environment, the cost in resources – and that’s just a start. In the U.S. less than 25% of plastic bottles are ever recycled, the rest ending up in landfills. But we know artists who are working with our throwaway plastic bottles and creating public works of art. While we wish there were no plastic bottles (or at least every one recycled), here are five examples of our plastic trash turned into public art:

Have you found any ‘plastic bottle art’ that you’d like to share?

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A Very Different Kind of Beachcombing

Here in Bluffton, we’re right on the May River and close to our Atlantic ocean shores. Most of us love the ocean and we collect souvenirs like seashells, driftwood, rocks, and other momentos. And still, there are individuals working to clean up the beaches by combing the beaches for trash – the human impact on our shores. On Twitter, we follow @beachcleanup and @floastsamdiaries – interesting people who are showing us in very creative ways what shows up on our shores. And then we found this artist who took a whole year’s worth of trash from the beach and turned it into art.

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A Traveler’s Perspective on Bluffton, South Carolina

We love living in Bluffton, S.C. – it’s located right along the coast near Hilton Head and along the May River. Our studios are right along the May River, a near perfect inspiration for our art. Recently, travel expert Eric Hastings to tour our hometown for brief tour. Check it out.

And if you’re ever in Hilton Head, send us an email and step over to Bluffton and say hello. We’ll take you on a tour of our hometown, our studios and the community of artists thriving here.

A Traveler’s Perspective on Bluffton, South Carolina Read More »

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