
Infographic: Consumers Agree Glass is Better

In April of this year, Omnibus conducted a survey of 1,000 consumers here in the U.S. The survey was an effort to better understand how we think of glass relating to the safety and quality of our food and beverages. Recently on this blog, we’ve shared a lot about the health and environmental dangers of plastic. So when we ran across this terrific infographic summary of the Omnibus survey, well we just had to share.

Safety and Quality of Glass for Food and Beverage
Infographic Courtesy of OI

Infographic: Consumers Agree Glass is Better Read More »

The Secret to Turning Consumers Green? Guilt.

Today, The Wall Street Journal published an interesting feature, “The Secret to Turning Customers Green.” Normally we pass over articles like this because they all tend to say the same thing – appeal to our sense of responsibility to the planet – but WSJ looked at a couple of programs in Washington, D.C. that are successful using a new tactic: guilt.

From the article, the case studies, and the research, it seems that a more powerful motivator if other people see our behavior.  While we’re not adding guilt to our marketing strategy, we certainly hope you’ll be seeing other people with BottlesUp glass water bottles and be motivated to make the same choice.

The Secret to Turning Consumers Green? Guilt. Read More »

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